Empowering and Engaging through Co-creation
Users as Co-creators: Player-centric Game Design
Service Design Breakfast #7, Reima Rönnholm, Palmu Inc.
Service Design Breakfast #6: Service Acceptance Boosted by E-learning by Jouni Tuominiemi, HiQ
Are visual design skills important for service designers?
Design Thinking, Service DesignJane Vitabrand, concept of value, design thinking, images, Jane Vita Costa, presenting ideas, service design process, value proposition, visual design, visual designer, visual thinking, visuality
Service Design Breakfast #1 Service Design - Why should I care?
Design Thinking, Events review, Friends Contribution, Service Design, User Engagement, User ExperienceJane VitaD-Sc- Risto Sarvas, finnish service design community, guesswork, importance of service design, Karri-Pekka Laakso, Mikko Pekka Hanski, service design breakfast, service design community, service design events, spirit of service design
The nature of “innovation” is changing
Books review, Design Thinking, User ExperienceJane Vitabook, business model transformation, co-creation, design thinking, fast strategy, innovation, literature, open service innovation, service design, service innovation, strategy, user experience- Bookmark the permalink
The Future of Competition book.